Saturday 29 January 2011

Rackenford Henry VIII

10 October, 3 Chas. I. 1627
RACKENFORD.-Agreement by Lewes Cruse of Morchard Cruise, esq., Alexander Cruse, gentleman, his son and heir apparent and Frauncis, (Alexander's) wife, with John Kelland of Rackenford, gentleman, John Voysey jun. of the same, yoman, Edward Wyott of Exeter, William Gruite of Loddiswell, Daniell Cudmore of Loxebeare, Robert Kelland of Rackenford, gentleman, Robert Bowring of Rackenford, clarke, Georg, son of Alexander Veysey of the same, yoman, George Hanford, son of Agnes Hanford of the same, Widowe, Richard, son of Richard Chapman jun. of Witherudg, yoman, and Robert Mortimer, alias Tanner, of Rackenford, yoman, Henrie Shapcot of Bradninch and Thomas Shapcot of Exeter, gentleman,-for the conveying of the mannor, messuages, landes etc. and the advowson and patronage of Rackenford to the persons and uses hereafter expressed-to levy a fine before the feast of The Nativity 1628, to the use of John Kelland and John Voysey and the heirs of one of them, in such manner as they and their fellows shall advise, of: The mannor and lordshipp of Rackenford Magna with the members; Their royalties, liberties, jurisdiccions, freewarrens, fishinges etc. in the parish; The advowson and patronage of the rectorie and church with the tithes, oblacions, obvencions, members etc. thereto belonging; And all landes, tenements, houses, mills, toftes, gardens, dovehouses, woodes, warrens, marishes, commons, waters, fishings, rentes, reversions, services, courtes, courtleates, veiwes of franckpledg, franchises, jurisdiccions, goodes of felons and felons of themselves, deodandes, wreckes of the sea, waifes, estrayes, free warrens etc. belonging to the premises; To the end to make them perfect tenantes of the freehold whereby a good recoverie may be had by Edward Wyott and William Gruit against Kelland and Voysey as tenantes who shall vouch over to warrant the premises Lewes, who shall vouch over to the warrantie Alexander, who shall vouch over to the same the Common Vouchee, and the cognizeees, tenantes and demaundantes shall stand seised thereof to the uses, purposes etc. hereafter declared. That is to say, Concerning the following parcells of the mannor; Two messuages or tenements called Over Thorne and Thorne or Lower Thorne in the occupation of John Sellake and John Crooke, with all landes, gardens, houses, woodes, pastures, marishes, commons, waters etc. thereto appertayning; one moitie to John Kelland and the other to the said Robert Kelland; A messuage or tenement called Bulworthy in the occupation of John Voysey sen. with the like appurtenances, to the use of John Voysey jun. Another called Westblackston and a wood called Okespray Wood in the occupation of Robert Cudmore, with the like appurtenances, to the use of Samuell Cudmore; The peeces and parcells of land, meadowe and pasture called Okespry Moore, Oldhaies and Broadmeadowe or Oldhaies Meadowe containing about 36 A. and the messuage or tenement called Barnes Tenement in the occupation of Robert Bowring, with the like appurtenances, to the use of the said Robert; The messuage or tenement called Meadweldowne, the messuage or dwelling house, three closes called Broomecloses now devided into five closes or parcells of land, three other closes, meadowe and pasture, belonging to the dwelling house, and the meadowes called Pittmeadowes in the occupation of Alexander Voysey and Elizabeth Hunt, with the like appurtenances, to the use of George Veysey; The messuage or tenement and mill called Blackdon Mill and a parcell of land called Burrough Peece containing about 1 A. in the occupation of Agnes Hanford, with the like appurtenances, to the use of Georg Hanford; The close or parcell of land called The Broad Close containing about 7 A. and the meadow groundes now devided into four closes called Combmeadowes containing about 5 A. in the occupation of Richard Chapman, grandfather of Richard the son of Richard Chapman jun. with the like appurtenances, to the use of Richard the son; A messuage or tenement in the occupation of Robert Mortimer, alias Tanner, with the like appurtenances, to the use of the said Robert; And the residew of the mannor, and the advowson and patronage of the rectorie with the tithes etc. to the use of Henrie and Thomas Shapcott. Subject to the leases and copiholds expressed in the schedule annexed.